
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

You are a jewel!

Jewelry classes have been so fruitful over the past month. The ladies have been able to make a variety of pieces for themselves and their friends. 

The jewelry classes are also reaching a group of ladies who are in an adult Autism transition home. This is a unique opportunity to bring them into the community to socialize with a variety of people groups but also to explore their creativity. V (pictured below), age 22, is one of the most caring and loving people I have met. She always greets me with a smile, hug and a “I have missed you Beth.” I have loved seeing her grow in her comfortability with talking with the ladies from the community (even though she cannot speak Spanish), and her endurance in creating a piece on her own. Please be praying for her heart to be opened to understanding her true identity as a daughter of the Lord and she also needs a job in her progress of becoming an independent adult.


I have loved being challenged by the ladies to explore more avenues of creativity and to go outside the comforts in how I know to make jewelry.

Also, we have been able to share more of our stories with each other–building trust to share our highs and lows from the week. To discuss the painful situations, laugh through the silly stories, and encourage each other through whatever God has brought to us during that week.


D. (above), 36 years old, has been a regular since the semester started. Throughout the weeks, she has slowly opened up about her struggles and how hard this season of life is for her. She is currently struggling with a multitude of issues (divorce, unhappiness, unforgiveness towards the Lord, her daughter’s health issues). I see her searching for solutions for the void she is experiencing in a variety of ways (friends, new job, social outings, etc.) but I personally have tried this very strategy with no hope, true solution, or fulfillment (outside of the Father himself). I am excited to see that the Lord has specifically brought her into the jewelry class to learn more about His character and how He is the one who fills the voids and provides hope that is permanent. Please join me in praying for her heart to be softened to the Father’s call and His love for her. Pray for opportunities for me to share my personal testimony with this very struggle. Also, pray for reconciliation with several relationships in her life and for her to find her true identity as a daughter of the Most High. 

To an outsider, these jewelry classes may seem like just jewelry classes. Simply a time for a few women to create some shiny and sparkly pieces to wear with an outfit. Simply a time to develop a hobby. 

But to me, it is so much more than that. 

It is a time to build trust. To hear stories. To laugh, to cry, to celebrate, to listen, to sing, to dance, to pray. To learn more–about jewelry, about each other.

It is a time to build relationship with one another. To relax and to rest with one another.It is time to share our testimonies. To spur each other in how the Lord is working in our lives (even if they don’t see it as the Father’s hand just yet). 

It is a time to proclaim truths over each of these ladies. To see that they are more than their job, their abilities, their creativity, their titles. They are the Father’s jewel, uniquely created for His glory.


To give to this ministry (to cover the rent, utilities, and supplies for the use of the trailer), please consider donating here:

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One comment

  1. Hi Beth. This is a great article. I am happy to see the beads etc put to use to share God’s word. I personally think that is a good idea. While making jewelry you can still carry on conversations and more importantly you can share God’s word. I’m hoping to show our WMU group at church how to make jewelry the first of the new year. Our prayers will continue for you as you share The Word. We love and think of you often.

    Aunt Carolyn

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