
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

A year ago today, I was sitting on the beaches of Vietnam. I relished in the Father’s love for me because He continued to reveal these types of shells on the shores of the ocean. Every single one I found, I felt the overwhelming love of my Father. I got obsessed with collecting them.

Although they are beautiful and unique, it was a perfect picture of the heart the Father desires His children to have. To be so consumed in His love, obsessed with finding more of Him, and overwhelmed in the magnitude of His heart for each of us. And just sit in it. Be still and know that I am God.

This was a beautiful reminder for my heart today.

 The season I’ve been walking in has been quiet, very much like the valley that is barren and lonely. I just finished reading Redeeming Love—a beautiful story of pursuit and unconditional love. The Lord reminded me that I am just like Angel in the story—feeling worthless of this incomprehensible love and choosing to run from it. However, the Father calls me to embrace it. Nothing I do or don’t do will ever make me worthy of His love. He just loves me—right now, right here—with all my faults, my fears, my decisions. I just need to choose the Father. 


Ministry Updates!

 *Adventures in Missions

-It is so exciting to walk the June trip participants into this season—to see God provide their financial deadlines and to pray over them as the reality of the trips set in. I am excited to see them in just 2 ½ months as they walk into training camp—to encourage them as they embark on this incredible journey with the Lord.

-The World Race Fusion trip has international participants from Scotland, France and Indonesia so far! Continue to pray for more of the nations to be represented on this team!

*Bible Study

-On Tuesday nights in local neighborhood, there is a Bible study for middle and high school aged students. I attended for the first time this past week—it was fun to be around these aged kids. I loved seeing their excitement for spending time together and the abundant joy they had while they played games together. Pray for the Lord to increase the number of students who attend—and that these students grasp the Father’s love and desire His Word more than this world.

*ESL Classes

-We are starting an ESL program. We are reaching out to parents in the local neighborhoods. Our team is currently in the planning phase, and plans to start the first week of April with classes. I have been working with a few of the team to prepare lessons for the weekly classes. On Monday, we will be distributing flyers throughout the neighborhood. My teacher’s heart has loved this work—I didn’t realize how I missed lesson planning (is that even possible?) Pray for this ministry to build deeper relationships than just teaching English, but build a bridge for discipleship.


Thank you for the support and prayers! You are an incredible blessing to my journey here in Georgia and throughout the world!

If you are interested in supporting Adventures financially, click “Support Me!” and make a donation. 


  1. Wonderful information!! God is again working in your life for His glory! The kids Bible study group and the ESL classes-Praise the Lord!! And I will be praying for the upcoming groups going on mission trips. Thank you for being obedient to God. May He bless everyone that helps support you as you continue to do his work.

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