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Quick update!

Jewelry Classes started this week!

Three ladies came to make jewelry–Maria (in red), Martha (in yellow), and Anna (in white). I loved getting to spend a few hours with these ladies–teaching them how to make earrings and then watching them create their pieces.


After making a set of earrings, they wanted to make bracelets and necklaces as well. 

I love seeing how much joy these ladies bring to the class and seeing them explore their creativity in creating jewelry to wear or to give to their family members!



During work on Tuesday, I checked my fundraising total….well! I was completely surprised to see that the Lord blessed me through 4 different people to help get my fundraising goal over $3000

I was so excited to see how much the Lord provided–I only needed $160, but I received $400!! Thank you to the four of you who donated to help this happen!



On Tuesday night, my roommate (Heather) and I went to a women’s night at the new church I am going to. The women’s night was a painting class (they brought in ladies to the fellowship hall to teach us). 

I loved the opportunity to meet other ladies from the church since I am new to the church. 

I loved meeting these ladies (in a variety of stages of life) and all creating a similar piece but with our own distinct colors and flairs. 

It was also a great night to spend hanging out with my roommate.

The Lord has been amazing this week to give me several opportunities to worship him through art and crafts. I enjoy allowing Him to express His creativity through me and to encourage others in that same space. 


Thank you for celebrating the work of the Lord with me this week!




Jewelry class: Building friendships to lead to a small group of ladies who are willing to share their hearts with each other and encourage each other. 

Church: Connecting with the new church and obeying the Lord’s direction in where to serve in the body. 

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