Part of my walk with the Lord the last few years is to focus in on a word each year, or He will highlight a character trait that He wants to show me/teach me throughout the year.
As we inched closer to 2019, I asked the Lord for my word for the new year. The word He gave was:
And of course I thought it was just because at Christmas time we sing “O come let us adore him” so many times that my mind was just hearing that word over and over. But after church I was sharing with my parents, then I quickly realized it was the word He wanted to focus on this year.
My next step was to research what adore means.
To worship and honor
To regard with loving admiration and devotion
To love or admire someone very much
To regard with the utmost esteem, love and respect
To pay divine honor to
cherish, love, worship, revere, glorify, admire, prize, treasure, exalt, honor
I was easily able to see why this would be my word for 2019.
My prayer for the year:
My heart is to adore You, Your Word, and being with You. To adore who You are and to adore your people, including myself. And to allow myself to grasp the depth of Your adoration of me.
And in just the first weeks of January, I have seen the Lord faithfully walk me through a few layers of what adoration looks like.
To realize adoration is a verb that I choose.
To intentionally choose to honor, love, worship and admire Him.
Because, let’s be honest, it is so easy to choose other things or other people to set my adoration on. But my time with the Lord has been so sweet and something that I am eager to pursue each day. To allow myself to figure out in what ways I will choose to love and to worship the Lord each new day. It is different every day, which keeps me on my toes, but in the best way possible.
Tonight, it looked like slowing down to put into words these thoughts and new understandings. To formulate it into the structure of a poem.
To love, to cherish
To choose to set my affection on.
all encompassing worship.
To praise in an
way, without concern
or hindrance.
To testify of Your goodness,
of Your character.
To set my gaze on You.
To release my spirit to
simply be
To adore You.
Such freedom
found in seeking to be with You.
Easily found, at any place
or in any moment
You are here and there.
But its my choice to engage in worship.
Do I allow my spirit to pursue adoration?
Will I say yes?
Finding myself at peace in choosing yes.
Yielded to Your love,
surrounded by Your peace,
submerged in Your joy.
Caught up in adoration of Your grace and affection
for me.
Welcome in Your presence
able to be myself
as I am.
Humbled to worship,
to be chosen,
to be Your favorite.
How can I not respond
Beth you have such a sweet way of expressing your heart attitude toward God. Adoring God does just absolutely change our perspective. It can mean looking up at Him or bowing before Him. Either way, focusing on His presence changes what we do or do not look at. You have articulated this so well. Thank you for your ministry!
I just LOVE you Beth! you are just so darn intentional!! 🙂